5 Things You Didn’t Know About Your Mattress

How often do you think about the mattress that you sleep on every night? While the average human spends 9,480 days of their lives sleeping, a lot remains unknown about our beds. From unknown benefits to unheard origin stories, your mattress has a large number of tales to tell. Here are five things that you probably didn’t know about your mattress!

Sick of allergies? A latex mattress may help!

From over the counter medicines to home remedies – the list of allergy cures are many, and a latex mattress is another addition to this list. Latex is naturally antimicrobial, thereby enabling it to hold off microorganisms. Its antifungal and dust-resistant properties make it the perfect choice for individuals that frequently suffer from allergies. A natural latex mattress, such as Peps Organica, might help you wave goodbye to allergies forever.

The right mattress can enhance memory and cognition

The effects of a lumpy, saggy or creaky mattress on sleep are widely known. While sleep is often viewed as merely an opportunity for rest, it is much more than that. A good night’s sleep is essential for the consolidation of memories and improves our brain’s ability to retain information. If you often feel ‘foggy’ or find that you forget things throughout the day, then a faulty mattress may be one of the things to blame. Optimising your mattress for the best night’s sleep equips your brain to process and remember the large amounts of information you receive throughout your day.

Comfort is not always enough

You may not be doing yourself a favour by buying the softest and snuggliest mattress in the market. While sinking into a soft mattress may feel great, a mattress must combine comfort and support to ensure that you get a good night’s sleep. A mattress that is too soft can trap body heat, cause back problems and lose its shape fast. In contrast, a medium-firm mattress provides adequate support to your back, while contouring to the shape of your body.

The word ‘mattress’ has Arabic roots

Ever wondered where the word ‘mattress’ came from? The name’s origin can be traced back to the Arabic word ‘matrah’, which referred to a place where cushions were tossed. Since Europeans were interested in Arabic luxury articles, the word soon came to denote a luxurious blanket. Eventually, it came to represent a stuffed pad to sleep on, which ultimately evolved into the mattresses we use today. 

Making your bed may not always be healthy

Are you tired of hearing your mother, roommate or significant other nagging about making your bed in the morning? Well, research indicates that an unmade bed may be healthier! Making your bed as soon as you wake up results in dust mites, dead skin cells and sweat getting trapped beneath the covers, which can ultimately lead to allergies and asthma. However, it is also essential to ensure good mattress hygiene through practices such as cleaning your bed regularly and using dust-proof covers. 

Thus, the mattress underneath your head has a world of secrets, and unearthing these interesting facts can prove to be both interesting and useful. A night of uninterrupted sleep involves understanding your unique sleep problems and needs, and tailoring your mattress to them. Delve deep into the science and stories behind your mattress, and ensure that you have all the information you need for restful nights and refreshed mornings!

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You Asked, We Answered

A night of restful and uninterrupted sleep can often feel like a tall order. From erratic sleep schedules to busy routines, a range of obstacles have served to prevent individuals from sleeping soundly. At Peps, we understand the effects of a disturbed night’s sleep on physical and mental health. We asked for your sleep queries and problems on our social media handles and tried to address them to help you sleep better and dream bigger. You asked, and we answered!


Q1) Is a spring mattress the best for back support?

The right mattress can make or break a back-ache! While it is generally assumed that firm mattresses are the best for a bad back, a medium-firm mattress is considered to be more supportive. However, there is no single mattress that provides the perfect solution for backache. While a memory foam mattress maintains spinal cord alignment and offers lumbar support, the individual springs of a spring mattress gently support the body’s contours. A mattress like Peps Spine Guard, with revolutionary memory foam that softens at appropriate points, can play a role in helping you wave goodbye to back-ache for good!


Q2) Are power naps a myth, or do they actually work?

You are mid-way through your day and still have a lot of work to get done. Your eyes are drooping, and you can’t seem to decide whether to take a quick 30-minute nap or not. Don’t worry; we’ve all been there!

A power nap is a short period of day time sleep that can help energise and rejuvenate you. While some individuals believe that power naps provide a much-needed boost of energy, others often feel like they serve to set them back further. Overall, however, research indicates that the benefits of power naps are many. According to Rafael Pelayo, a psychiatry and behavioural sciences professor at the Stanford Center for Sleep Sciences and Medicine, power naps do work, especially when they are between 30-40 minutes long. However, they cannot substitute for lost sleep at night, and it is important to optimise your sleep schedule to ensure sufficient night-time sleep. 


Q3) Which is the best position for sleep?

Your sleep position may matter more than you think it does! From back-sleepers to stomach-sleepers, everyone has a preferred sleep position. Each sleep position has its own benefits, and adapting your sleep position to serve your unique problems can improve sleep. According to Healthline, the fetal position is excellent for lower back pain and helps reduce snoring, while side sleeping has beneficial effects on digestion. Sleeping on your back has been found to have the most number of benefits, ranging from great spine protection to relieving hip and knee pain. 


4) How to overcome insomnia

Insomnia can often be crippling, and the hours of lying awake in bed at night can take a heavy toll on your mental and physical health. However, taking a few simple steps can help ease the burden. Waking up at the same time every day and limiting daytime naps can help establish a consistent sleep schedule and improve insomnia. Exercising regularly, avoiding eating before bed and limiting alcohol and nicotine consumption can further serve to reduce insomnia and improve sleep. However, it is incredibly vital for individuals with consistent sleep problems to consult a professional and seek medical advice. 


Sleepless nights and groggy mornings are no stranger to most of us and can serve to put a damper on our entire day. Exploring our unique sleep problems and investing in the right sleep solutions can help improve your sleep quality, thereby improving the quality of your life. The benefits of a night of rejuvenating and restful sleep are multitudinous and can serve to uplift your mood, energise you, and start your day on the right note. Implement these solutions now, and never let sleep evade you again!

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The Best Ways To Optimize Sleep For Night Shifts

In this blog, we provide ways through which people who work night shifts can get good sleep and feel refreshed. 

Night shift employees are more aware of this than most who take it for granted – sleep is vital to functioning like a normal human being. But when you’re sleeping at odd hours and awake when you’re meant to be in bed – it could spell bad things for your health. 

If you’re a night shift employee, try going back to normal shifts when the opportunity presents itself. But if you are going to be working night shifts for the foreseeable future, you’re going to have to ensure that your body is prepared for it. You have to treat it like you would treat jet lag; something your body isn’t going to like but something you’ll have to adjust to. 

The Best Ways to Optimize Your Sleep

Despite its complications, working night shifts does not mean that you can’t get good sleep. Here are the best ways you should optimize sleep for night shifts:

  • Stick to a Proper Sleep Routine

This is a tip that presents itself in every article about sleep has presented itself again! Sticking to a proper sleep schedule, trying your best to sleep at a specific time and wake up consistently at the same time is important for good sleep. This way, your body gets used to this schedule and would naturally start falling asleep when the time is right. So it’s important that you try your best to stick to a proper sleep routine. 

  • Prepare an Environment Suitable for Sleep

Just because it’s day time when you’re going to bed doesn’t mean you have to feel like you’re sleeping in the daytime. Invest in your sleep environment – get black-out curtains to make it feel like you’re sleeping at night. If your budget doesn’t allow for that, get a sleeping mask. If you need to, put on some earplugs as well. Quiet and darkness is what you need to make it feel like you’re going to sleep at night. 

  • Reduce Your Commute

While the best option is being able to walk home to and from work, that option isn’t easily available to most of us. However, continuing your commute from home, especially if it’s an hour or so away from work can have negative health implications. If this is a long-term gig, why not take a look at the time, energy and transportation expenses you’ll save if you move closer to your office. Your aim should be being able to reach home as soon as you can – that way you can reduce the time it takes for you to go to bed. 

  • Keep Fit and Healthy

While sleep schedules are difficult to manage, your overall health is something that you can certainly work on and take care of. Get your macros in at regular meal times and be sure to exercise at least three times a week. Another unconventional tip that goes against the norm is to sleep after you wake up. Don’t listen to your favourite productivity guru and go on a 5 am run when it’s time for you to go to bed. 

  • Avoid Caffeine During Your Shift

We understand that avoiding caffeine can be even more challenging than sticking to a sleep routine. But you’ll be glad to know we don’t really mean that you should stop having coffee altogether. What we recommend instead, if you need to, is only having some form of caffeine when you wake up. Avoiding coffee during your shift is difficult but what’s even harder to manage is the lack of sleep as a result of the caffeine’s hitting you. So, listen to the experts and stick to having coffee only in the morning. 

  • Play More Casino Games

When it comes to online gambling, there are a lot of options to choose from. One of the most popular online casino games is slots. Slots are easy to play and don’t require any skill or strategy, making them a great choice for casual gamblers. And with so many online casinos offering free penny slots no download, there’s no reason not to give them a try. Of course, like all online gambling, there is some risk involved. But as long as you’re aware of the risks and you’re playing at a reputable online casino, you can have a lot of fun playing free penny slots.


Forming new sleeping habits is a tough task, especially when you have to follow a whack schedule, but imbibing them into your routine step by step makes it easier. We hope that these five tips help you optimize a good sleep routine for the night shifts.

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