Know Your Mattress – Peps Organica (#Knowyourmattress)

#knowyourmattress series has been created to help you understand the different characteristics and advantages of each mattress. This will help you choose the right mattress for yourself or your loved ones.




Organic cotton is natural because there are no irritating chemicals when grown and used during production. This cotton is hypoallergenic, which reduces the risks of allerigies and asthma. Comfort is increased by the natural organic cotton used in bedding, as it wicks away moisture better than its chemically saturated counterpart. Cotton’s breathability also allows it to absorb and release moisture without feeling damp, helpful in keeping comfortable throughout the night – cooler during the summer and warmer during the winter. The lack of harsh chemical solvents, softeners, and dyes contribute to finer end product less likely to cause skin irritations or reactions as well.




Latex foam provides exact pinpointed support and reacts instantly to your every move.  Latex foam does not “sink in” and “bottom out” as the night goes by.  It maintains constant support and does not get softer in warmer conditions.  This makes it extremely easy to move throughout the night without any sleep interruption. The pinpointed support allows certain areas of the body to sink further into the mattress while others are supported. This is especially helpful to side sleepers




Bonded foam, or Memory Rebond foam , is a moulded polyurethane product made from pieces of shredded flexible polyurethane foam, held together with a binder. It has relative high density and excellent resilience. Due to the material, we can guarantee that you will be having no problems of bacteria, fungus or dust mites. Rebonded Foam Mattress is designed to be used in making of sleeping mattress and provide utmost relaxation to the body. The Rebonded memory is for providing perfect body posture and extra support. Rebonded are made using quality grade materials to make it environment friendly.




Polyurethane Foam gives durability, comfort, and support. Peps Organica contains properly used polyurethane foam for comfortable surface. It also offers the benefits of being noiseless, dustless, and resisting crumbling and matting. Polyurethane foam does not aggravate the majority of allergies and lacks a residual odor. It also has an open cell structure that lets the material breathe and reduces the chance of mold and mildew infestation.




Pocket spring covers contain hundreds and thousands of springs that are encased in individual soft fabric pockets below the layers of sumptuous fillings. This type of mattress is quite well-liked because the springs work independently at the right tension. Even if two people share the same bed, these mattresses will support each of them individually, giving them appropriate support. Beginning from head to toe, you will experience deep level of support with pocket spring mattress and also does not disturb each other’s sleep in the event of tossing and turning on the mattress


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In the time honoured Indian tradition of not discarding anything till there is even a semblance of usefulness left in the product in question, an extremely large number of people use their mattresses far longer than is safe for them. This unique habit of ours to treat a mattress like a family heirloom that has to be handed down from one generation to another is not just ridiculous, but positively harmful to our health.

It is not just that the mattress would be out of shape, thereby making it uncomfortable and most likely bad for the back. Old mattresses are a storehouse of germs, bacteria, dust-mites and horror of horrors even microscopic spiders feeding on dead skin! Well doubtless nobody would like to sleep on such a mattress, if they knew the kind of risk they were subjecting themselves to every night when they go to bed to sleep.

Age of the Mattress

There are a few indicators that let one know that one’s mattress has well and truly served its purpose and now needs to be discarded. The age of the mattress is the first important one- anything older than seven years needs to be jettisoned. One the other hand if the mattress is embarrassing to look at and you would rather keep it covered at all times, it too is an indication that it’s time for it to go.

Other Mattresses are more comfortable

Another definite indicator is the fact that you always sleep better on a bed other than your own. Inadvertent rolling at night or waking up tired and with an aching body are all signs that your mattress is taking a toll on your body.

Sagging & Lumpy Mattresses

Other indications are that the mattress sags here and there or is lumpy.
The problem of sleeping on useless and in many case positively harmful mattresses is an acute one in our country. This is because most people sleep on what could be termed as primitive mattresses by world standards. Mattresses filled with cotton wool are quite the norm, but these quickly outlive their utility with the mattress becoming misshapen. The other popular type of mattress is the coir mattress which has a thick layer of coir on one side and a corresponding layer of rubber on the other. These too are good for a little while before giving up the ghost.

Internationally it is the scientifically designed and ergonomically sound innerspring technology incorporating mattresses that rule the roost. These are in the truest sense real mattresses that not only give one proper rest, but actually help rejuvenate one after a good night’s sleep. In India such mattresses are beginning to make inroads with more and more Indians aspiring to international standards of living. The company to introduce these world class mattresses is Peps India. Included in their range of mattresses is the iconic and America’s favorite brand of mattresses- Restonic.

The coming years are going to witness a sleep revolution in India, which is all very well considering the kind of harm that the current crop of antiquated mattresses is doing to the hard working people of this country on a daily basis. It cannot be that the aspirational Indians who today drive the best cars and live in luxurious homes will continue to sleep on mattresses that belong to a previous century.

As a matter of fact people are beginning to realize that the type of mattress that they sleep on should be accorded top priority in their lives as it has a direct bearing upon their health. No longer can one accept sleepless nights, allergies and chronic back aches as normal. Not when we have the right choices available to us.

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