Can music help you sleep better?

Music has the power to evoke emotions in listeners. It can make you laugh, cry and even put
you to sleep. An emerging study from the National Institute of health investigated music as a sleep aid in
the general public to find what music helped and why. 62% of respondents stated that they used
music to help them sleep and listed out 14 musical genres comprising of 545 artists that they
used regularly. Isn’t this music to your ears? this gives you one more option to get the restful
slumber you crave so much was part of your daily routine.

When the songs were inspected closely, it was found that the playlist generally included songs
with relatively low tempo. A tempo that is very close to your sleeping heart rate (60 – 80 beats
per minute). The songs also had relatively low amplitude, little or slow-moving changes and
were smooth in nature. This supports the long-standing anecdotes of numerous cultures across
the world using music as an effective sleep aid.

The main reason people used music was to change their state of mind, to relax, focus and
change their mood. The other important purpose of using music was to distract them from
negative thoughts which is one of the main contributors to sleep loss. All results point to one
clear conclusion, that you can indeed stimulate sleep by syncing your heart rate with blissful
music. The reduced heart rate lowers your blood pressure, alleviates anxiety and paves the way
for blissful slumber.

Music is indeed a useful member of the behaviours and environmental conditions known as
sleep hygiene, which is used to condition the body for long lasting healthy sleep routines. Other
important factors include light, temperature and the surface you sleep on. From pain to posture,
the effect your sleeping surface has on your back is pretty profound. A comfortable sleeping
surface can help that back pain you previously experienced, disappear.

So, what type of mattress should you use? This is not a simple question to answer. Choosing
a mattress can be a daunting task. and hence, it’s best to consult a mattress expert and test the
mattresses by lying down on it before making a final decision.

Our Great sleep stores were built to serve this purpose. Each great sleep store is equipped with
the entire range of Peps innerspring mattresses that are loved for their comfort, responsiveness,
bounce and cooling properties. So you can test the feel of various materials, their firmness
levels, comfort and price. Our mattress experts are well trained to answer all your questions and
they will guide you to the mattress that suits your specific needs. To know more and get a
callback from our mattress experts, give us a missed call on +91 8884 647 647.



This blog does not provide medical advice. It is intended for general informational purposes only and does not address individual circumstances. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment and should not be relied on to make decisions about your health. Never ignore professional medical advice in seeking treatment because of something you have read on


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