7 Things to Do in the Morning for the Perfect Start Every Day

Habit and rituals can help us live our lives with enhanced fulfilment. The things you do in the morning can set the tone for the rest of your day. Therefore, it is important to make the right start.

The more energetic, efficient and productive you are, the faster you’ll accomplish daily goals. While many may see their ability to follow the same morning routines as a luxury reserved for a lucky few, the high performers are mindful of how they spend their mornings. Here are a few morning routines that can help you kickstart your day for maximum efficiency.

1) Make your bed:

Some years ago, a retired Navy SEAL commander, Bill McRaven, gave a graduation speech at the University of Texas. His advice was, “no matter what you do, if you want to be successful, you should make your bed in the morning”.
There are practical benefits to the routine and it also prepares your mind to get things done. The cleanliness and organisation it results in are also good for your focus. This simple practice can give you a sense of accomplishment at the beginning of each day, and the momentum gained can help you get to the remaining tasks. Even if you have a bad day, you at least return to a bed that’s made.

2) Review goals and to-do lists:

Just like maps help you get to a particular destination, reviewing your goals can help you align your daily actions to the results you desire. Get into the stride and focus on what you want to accomplish for the day. Take the rein. Use a to-do list and check-in at regular intervals during the day to ensure you are on track. Feeling distracted? Just take a look at your list and think of all the positive results of having finished the task, this will help you stay focused throughout the day.

3) Read up:

The most successful leaders read, and they often read in the morning. Reading has numerous benefits. It not only gives you information from an expert, but it’s also a great exercise for the brain. Reading in the morning is beneficial as the brain is fresh and reading a good book is great input for the mind to process during the day. There are quite a few top-performers in the world who are famous for reading many hours every day. So pick up the book you’ve been wanting to read for so long, and try to give it your full attention in the early hours of the day. 

4) Get moving:

Exercise is a great way to start the day. Physical activity can help the heart increase blood circulation in the body. If working out does not sound exciting enough, you can also dive into your favourite sport. This can be a great way to ensure you stay fit while improving your game day after day. The benefits of daily exercise are many and if you’re looking to make mornings more effective, physical training is a good place to start. While there are numerous options, be mindful of your body type and fitness level before choosing an activity that helps you improve overall health.  

5) Meditation and yoga: 

Some of the most successful entrepreneurs are known for practising yoga. Yogic asanas provide healthy movement to the body while also increasing your physical and mental awareness.

Morning meditation, practising mindfulness and breathing exercises alongside some journaling can give your mind an increased amount of clarity in the morning. While meditating may feel strange in the beginning because of unfamiliarity, it has been shown to improve focus in numerous academic studies. 

6) Check-in on the important things:

Many professions today involve being online and in front of a screen. It seems to work well for many of them. However, with the growing distraction of social media and hyper-personalised ads, it’s important to prioritise the important tasks. These can be important emails, writing or even the presentation due shortly. The idea is to get to the important things at the very beginning. This will help you get the top-priority tasks earlier in the day so that the rest of your day is freed up to focus on other tasks and maybe even some socialisation.  

7) Eat breakfast with the people you love:

If you have a hectic schedule, it can seem hard to slow down to eat breakfast with your family. But breakfast with the people you love the most can really help you mentally. It’ll ensure you are connected to the ones most dear to you and will also help start the day on a positive note. If you stay alone or live with just your partner, ensure to indulge in a cosy breakfast on your bed on weekends. This is not only comfortable but helps you experience and enjoy the first meal of your day without any external disturbances.
So start your day on a positive note, and ensure you are still getting the most important things done. Have a good one!

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