5 things to keep in mind while designing your new bedroom

Have you ever walked into a bedroom that feels right? While the people around you play a massive role in making you feel comfortable, the chances are that the room is well designed for your comfort. Designing the bedroom of your dreams can be a challenge! The room has to be beautiful, and your intuition has to be right. 

Here are five things to keep in mind while designing your new bedroom!

  • Function

The functionality of your bedroom is the most crucial factor to consider while designing your comfort space. The aesthetics of your bedroom largely depends on your needs, desires and hobbies. Is the room going to be your crashing space after a long day at work? Is it going to be your office space where you make all your professional decisions? Answers to these questions will decide the foundation of your design. The amount of time you spend in the room and the activities that you prefer will play an essential role in the design of your bedroom.


  • Storage 

The list of things you store in your bedroom is long. Everything from clothes, accessories and handbags to essential documents, bed-sheets and your favourite personal items go into your bedroom. Storage with creativity will help you organize your bedroom without cluttering your own space. Your storage units must be well organized and aesthetically appealing. Designing a wardrobe to the ceiling height or using secret cabinets and shelves will also help you store your valuables without disrupting the theme of your bedroom. Drawers and shelves can be designed in sync with the overall design of your bedroom. 


  • Colour Palette and Visual Comfort

What mood do you want to create in your bedroom? The answer to this question will help you decide the visual aesthetic of your room. Calm and subtle colours are usually preferred over loud and bright colours for a bedroom. Neutral shades avoid unnecessary distraction and noise. If you prefer bright hues, make sure that you use a lighter shade of your favourite red or violet on your bedroom walls. Soothing shades and restful palettes will instantly make you feel at home. Contrast the subtle shades with bright upholstery and décor to avoid a boring set up. Toast browns, topaz and deep pomegranate against subtle shades like hues of blue and green will create a refreshing aesthetic to your new bedroom. Sleep accessories accentuate the visual aesthetic of your bedroom. Peps’ sleep accessories available in various colours and styles will highlight the design of your comfort space!


  • Adjustment of Light

Lighting is an essential aspect of interior design. The amount of natural and artificial lighting can revolutionize the ambience of your bedroom. Proper lighting will emphasize the colours, textures, materials and décor of your bedroom. The size and location of your windows can make a massive difference in the overall design of your bedroom. Layering the lights throughout your room is always a great option! Soft illumination and reading lights will enhance the functionality of your bedroom.


  • Comfort

Minimalistic, rustic, or contemporary! No matter how you define your taste in décor and design, make sure that the elements make you feel at home. Find pieces that genuinely fit your taste and comfort. Some of us prefer sleek modern furniture and clean linen while others prefer decorative pieces and large traditional windows with bright drapes. Your bed is the master of your bedroom. Comfortable and stylish mattresses like Peps Zenimo, Peps Organica and Peps Cameo will change the look and feel of your bedroom. Luxurious, classic and stylish, the new Peps mattresses along with our unique product Gripster are the perfect blend of style and comfort, especially while sitting and working on bed. 

Personalize your bedroom with your favourite pieces of furniture and rugs. Make sure that the décor adds meaning to your bedroom and make the statement that you intend to make. Above all, make sure that you design a bedroom that you will want to come home to every single day!

How to get your sleeping routine back on track during a pandemic

Ever since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, much of the working population has cooped themselves up within their respective houses. With most people working from home, nearly all their daily routines have taken a beating. 

The set routine of waking up early and getting ready for work is no longer a necessity as the formal dressing has more or less been done away with. 

Be it eating habits or sleep routines, they have impacted all the habits and routines we take for granted. From the time we wake up, till we hit the sack at night, we develop a habit of falling into a set routine. Many of them become habits that we take to the grave. These habits have been developed over the years, with many habits even being followed after being set in place from early childhood.

Impact on sleep habits

The information overload can have a direct impact on life, and with the normal commute and work schedule vanishing, there is a high risk of one’s sleep schedule getting defenestrated. One may end up staying awake later than usual as they get engrossed in the latest news headlines. 

To find a proper sleep schedule, these steps could help. 

  • First, decide when you need to get up for work while accounting for the lesser commitments in the morning. Working back, if you aim for seven hours of sleep and need to wake up by 6 am, plan to get to bed by 11 pm at the latest.
  • Begin winding down one hour before bedtime and prepare to sleep. Get off your phone, computer, TV or other screens by 10 pm. Why not set a recurring alarm on the phone to prepare the mind for sleep.
  • With the uncertainties lingering in our lives, setting aside time to recharge is essential. Stay on social media and watch the news as little as possible. Instead, find something relaxing. 
  • You can relax through exercise, by praying, reading books you enjoy, listening to music, spending time with family, or rediscovering a creative hobby.

These habits will definitely ensure that you are able to get a sound sleep at night and wake up recharged for starting on a new day ready to face challenges thrown at you.

Understanding Sleep Hygiene And Its Importance

Sleep may seem to be a simple and basic everyday routine. Yet a lack of it at any given instance can have devastating consequences for a person’s mental and physical well-being. But if one is looking to improve their sleeping habits, good sleep hygiene can transform their life. 

The term “sleep hygiene” involves quite a few healthy sleep habits. These habits can help improve one to not only fall asleep but also to experience high-quality sleep. 

While the required amount of sleep needed varies from person to person, it depends on the factors such as an individual’s age, lifestyle and even their health condition. By strictly following sleep hygiene, one can significantly improve the quality of their sleep, which in turn can positively impact their performance in everyday life. 


If you struggle to get a good night’s sleep, working on a few aspects of sleep hygiene can help: 

  • Be disciplined: Given the COVID-19 crisis, it’s easy to disrupt one’s circadian rhythm. Instead, go to bed at the same time and get up at the same time each morning, including the weekends. The consistency will ensure your body is well-rested daily.
  • Exercise: It’s only in recent history that humans have used scientific innovations to design a life where lesser effort is required for living. But the body still needs to expend energy to remain and perform at its best. Therefore, it’s necessary to get some exercise during the day, as this can help one fall asleep a lot more easily at night.
  • Ideal bedroom environment: It’s crucial to ensure that your bedroom is quiet and not brightly lit up. The room should also be well ventilated to maintain a cool temperature so that the body feels comfortable before you doze off into calming sleep.
  • Limit screen time: Technology has made its way into quite a few aspects of human life, and so have screens. However, looking at these screens before sleeping is not advisable as the blue light emitted from them can reduce the melatonin (a hormone crucial for sleep) levels in the body. So avoid using electronic devices such as television, computers, and smartphones in the bedroom, especially before sleeping.

Sure, it is always a great idea to sit an hour or two on your mobile, but do it not before sleeping. Use your mobile at least 3 hours before sleeping. There are a number of hobbies you may do in your free time using your mobile phone. For instance, reading an online book, watching YouTube, gambling free casino games with a free spins bonus, scrolling an Instagram feed, etc. Everything to keep you entertained and relaxed!

Eat just right: It’s good to avoid large meals, coffee, and alcohol before going to bed. Such items can come in the way of good sleep by disrupting the body’s sleep mechanisms. The saying “Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper” is excellent advice if you’re trying to sleep better.

It’s also important to know that the quality of sleep one experiences also depends on their behaviour during the day until bedtime. While maintaining good sleep hygiene helps you experience quality sleep, like mastering any habit, consistency, and practice are essential. 

Sleep hygiene plays a critical role and impacts the quality of sleep one experiences day after day. If one finds it hard to sleep or wants to improve their sleeping habits, trying the steps above can help. However, if the difficulty in sleeping persists, please consult a medical professional.

7 Sleep Hacks to Boost Your WFH productivity

Sleep is defined as a condition of body and mind which typically recurs for several hours every night, in which the nervous system is inactive, the eyes closed, the postural muscles relaxed, and consciousness practically suspended. The process of sleep is one of the most critical natural processes responsible for a number of biological activities that sustain everyday well-being. It’s obvious then that good sleep directly results in better productivity as one is rejuvenated.

But, how much sleep do you need to be equipped for having a productive day? A person needs 7-8 hours of sleep to function optimally and there are quite a few hacks to achieve this.

But what if you fail to get the required amount of sleep? Don’t worry, here are 7 hacks that can help..

1.Set boundaries for screen time
The most important advice would be to avoid everything electronic and that which disturbs your sleeping environment. Electronic screens emit blue light, a spectrum of light that stimulates your mind and hinders the production of melatonin, which keeps you awake.

While reading a paper book is debatable, but to get quality sleep, read in the living room and then move to the bed. Make sure you don’t read anything complex or related to work.

2.Set A Routine
It’s nearly impossible to have a straightjacket set routine for your daily life. But, even with an unsteady schedule, it’s important to have a reasonable idea of how the day is going to pan out.

Quite a few studies have found that rapid eye movement cycles renew and refresh the brain, and hence, is decisive in maximizing productivity.
The trick is to be open-ended with the sleep schedule while sticking to a set constraint. Any drastic shift makes you lose productivity as the body is unable to signal when it’s tired. It’s advisable to avoid oversleeping on weekends, as it can throw your entire biological clock into a mess.

3.Find soothing music:
There are quite a few studies that have tried to understand the effect of slow and pleasant music on the brain. Quite a few have found that such music helps the brain function at an optimal level while helping the individual with focus. So the next time you want to be productive after a late night, listen to soothing music while sipping green. While the calming music cannot replace sleep, it can help the mind focus on the task at hand. This, in turn, can help you finish work in time to sleep early and bring your circadian rhythm back on track.

4.Optimise most productive parts of the day
People are at their peak at different times of the day. Some are most creative at night, while others are more productive very early in the morning. So take some time to identify periods during the day when you are at your peak. Setting your schedule according to your energy levels during the day will not only increase your focus, creativity, and productivity but can also help you understand yourself better.

5.Ditch the snooze button
A heavy sleeper often finds a good friend in the snooze button. But make it a habit, and one is stepping onto a slippery slope. The habit could jeopardise energy levels meant to last the entire day. Addressing sleep inertia is simple. If the alarm wakes one up from deep sleep, it’s best to face the day. Hitting the snooze will only leave you feeling worse because the body clock doesn’t know if it’s in deep sleep, light sleep or it’s time to get up. Numerous studies have shown that hitting the snooze button can cause you to feel tired throughout the day. Relying on the snooze habit can also result in serious ailments over a period of time.

6.Power-up with caffeine and napping
Counterintuitive at first look, but combining a cup of coffee with a nap can prove one of the most effective ways to boost one’s energy during the day. A study discovered this while determining the most effective means of relieving daytime fatigue.

As caffeine generally takes around 20 minutes for its effects to kick in, you’ll need to quickly down a cup of coffee, then immediately seek a quiet place for a short snooze. It can be your bed, a quiet meeting room if you’re at work or perhaps even your car.

7. Breathing to sleep in 60 seconds
Sometimes, even after a long tiring day, it may be difficult to fall asleep. But don’t worry. You needn’t be a yoga master or a monk to benefit from guided breathing techniques. A simple practice every night, like alternate nostril breathing counters the body’s stress signals and can be practised anywhere to slowly transition into a peaceful sleeping experience. This will help you wake up recharged and ready to chase your dreams the next day.

Now you are equipped with a few simple yet effective hacks to ensure you experience good sleep while being productive. So go ahead, and try some of these methods to see a positive change in your everyday life.

Simple Ways to Become a Better Learner During a Global Pandemic

The world is going through a critical time. The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted almost all aspects of everyday life. Never before in the modern era have people been locked up at home with each other for such long periods of time. But this period can also be your chance to explore new opportunities and pick up skills you’ve always wanted to acquire.

You may wonder which skills you should pick up first. The most practical choice would be to learn ones that can help you be more productive at work daily. With an increase in free time and the hours spent online, it’s now easier for one to soak in knowledge. Think about all your long-term goals and aspirations. Now is the time to take active steps towards making them a reality.

The availability of learning material through new mediums has made learning from home much more accessible. Here are some ways you can enhance your learning and growth during this time:

  1. Make time for unconventional learning:
    Leveraging the resources available on the Internet and even reading books is an effective way to start learning. The rise of new ways to learn has ensured that the best courses from the top universities and institutions in the world are available at just the click of a mouse. Thanks to the Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs), you can instantly access courses and learning material from across the world.
  1. Be a curious learner:
    It’s an excellent time to feed your thirst for knowledge as most of the world is spending time indoors. So make a list of the topics that excite you and start your learning journey without further ado. Earlier, no time was an excuse, but now you might have more free time than you’ll ever have in the future. So make the best use of it. Although it might feel like things are in a limbo, you can choose to resist the stagnation by taking control of your learning and growth. For all you know, it could open up a few vistas of new opportunities even during the pandemic.
  1. Channel your emotions towards learning:
    Channel your inner anxieties and stresses to make progress in personal growth. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought quite a few uncertainties in everyday life. Most people are feeling isolated and disconnected from their family and friends. While there is no substitution for social connection, channelling such strong emotions towards learning can help you make significant strides in education. You can rediscover your academic passion or learn about a new development that can shape the future of your field of work.
  1. Take one step at a time:
    It can be a natural temptation to take up as many new courses as possible or cram the reading of numerous books in a short duration of time. But such an approach will cause a steady decline in interest and focus. Be careful instead to choose a more practical approach that leverages the power of consistency. Making little but continual progress is better than making erratic progress through random spurts of learning. Approach your growth in a planned and organised manner. Have a goal and set a reasonable deadline, both of which allow for regular study and deep learning. It would serve you better to engage in fewer courses with more focus and time to internalise the lessons than to skim over multiple courses with lesser time to learn.

So go ahead, begin your learning journey today! The world is going through a difficult phase, but remember, this can be your chance to follow your passions and build your dreams.


5 Hobbies for Better Sleep

Home, sweet home- This is where most people have been since #COVID-19 became a pandemic. The virus has kept people within the confines of their homes for over 110 days now. Children are cooped up indoors, unable to go to school, though learning is still on through virtual classes. 

Teenagers, often the most energetic, are not going to college or meeting friend outdoors. The virus has ensured families spend more time inside their homes, and members that are not working have more free time than usual. However, more free time during this pandemic has resulted in a rise in anxiety about job security, health and even the future in general. While numerous studies have shown that stress can affect the quality of sleep and also one’s natural sleeping habits, worry not, we’ve got your back. 

Here are a few relaxing activities that can help you deal with and even enjoy the present moment without mentally rushing into the uncertain future, and of course, experience great sleep too.  

Journaling: Have you ever tried speaking your mind out to someone at the end of the day? Journaling can help you have a similar emotional release. So the next time you find yourself worrying about something, it might be a good idea to note down your thoughts on paper. It can do wonders, especially if it’s been a hectic day. Journaling can help you see your thoughts as an observer which will help the brain calm down. Once this happens, enjoying good sleep is a lot easier. You no longer need to lie awake at night, staring at the ceiling, anxiously running through tomorrow’s to-do-list in your mind. 

Gardening: Being amidst greenery and interacting with plants can help you connect with your inner person. The process of gardening involves sowing new seeds, watering them and even caring for them. Witnessing the transformation of tiny seeds into small plants and eventually bigger ones can be therapeutic. Gardening can help one gain a stronger sense of the things that they can control, like exposing the plant to adequate sunlight, watering it daily and ensuring it’s been planted in the right soil. It also shows that one is not in control of the result, which is the plants’ growth. And to accept that there are certain things that one cannot control with a calm and peaceful mind is crucial for good sleep every night. 

Walking: Early humans moved around a lot, and they walked on foot. Today, walking is not a necessity anymore. However, that does not mean its got no benefits. Walking is still one of the most basic forms of exercise. What’s become a mere pastime now is also an opportunity to experience nature. Also, given the times, walking is an excellent excuse to step out and take a breath of fresh air. Stepping out during the day not only ensures you take more breaks, but it also helps your mind notice the surroundings and eventually reassure itself that in the long run, things are going to be okay. 

Listening to Music: This is a habit that is both entertaining and calming for the mind. While there are quite a few athletes who use music while they train, you can use it to enter a calm and restful state of mind. Listening to certain kinds of music have shown to affect mood, focus, and even productivity positively. Slow rhythmic music, of any genre, can often do the trick. Cheerful music can also remind you of happier times and cherished memories. Thus, music can also help you direct your focus on the more positive aspects of life. It is one of the best ways to unwind after a strenuous day. 

Reading: Though there may be many things vying for your attention, it can be helpful to set aside some time for reading. Many famous personalities have testified about the benefits of reading. Fiction or non-fiction, a good book can take you places without requiring you to step out. Reading can also help you improve focus while paving the way for learning, and also enhancing your language skills. It is still one of the most relaxing activities that can help the mind slow down and even fall into comforting sleep.

Additionally, you may try playing online casino games on your mobile. This great and lucrative hobby will help you to spend time with interest and benefit. In the best mobile online casinos you may win real money and get the great feel of real land-based gambling. You may find and try playing new games and use free bonuses which will spice up your play.

All the activities mentioned above can help you calm the mind. COVID-19 has effected every aspect of life. At Peps, we want to ensure that sleep isn’t one of them. Take care, and stay safe.

7 Things to Do in the Morning for the Perfect Start Every Day

Habit and rituals can help us live our lives with enhanced fulfilment. The things you do in the morning can set the tone for the rest of your day. Therefore, it is important to make the right start.

The more energetic, efficient and productive you are, the faster you’ll accomplish daily goals. While many may see their ability to follow the same morning routines as a luxury reserved for a lucky few, the high performers are mindful of how they spend their mornings. Here are a few morning routines that can help you kickstart your day for maximum efficiency.

1) Make your bed:

Some years ago, a retired Navy SEAL commander, Bill McRaven, gave a graduation speech at the University of Texas. His advice was, “no matter what you do, if you want to be successful, you should make your bed in the morning”.
There are practical benefits to the routine and it also prepares your mind to get things done. The cleanliness and organisation it results in are also good for your focus. This simple practice can give you a sense of accomplishment at the beginning of each day, and the momentum gained can help you get to the remaining tasks. Even if you have a bad day, you at least return to a bed that’s made.

2) Review goals and to-do lists:

Just like maps help you get to a particular destination, reviewing your goals can help you align your daily actions to the results you desire. Get into the stride and focus on what you want to accomplish for the day. Take the rein. Use a to-do list and check-in at regular intervals during the day to ensure you are on track. Feeling distracted? Just take a look at your list and think of all the positive results of having finished the task, this will help you stay focused throughout the day.

3) Read up:

The most successful leaders read, and they often read in the morning. Reading has numerous benefits. It not only gives you information from an expert, but it’s also a great exercise for the brain. Reading in the morning is beneficial as the brain is fresh and reading a good book is great input for the mind to process during the day. There are quite a few top-performers in the world who are famous for reading many hours every day. So pick up the book you’ve been wanting to read for so long, and try to give it your full attention in the early hours of the day. 

4) Get moving:

Exercise is a great way to start the day. Physical activity can help the heart increase blood circulation in the body. If working out does not sound exciting enough, you can also dive into your favourite sport. This can be a great way to ensure you stay fit while improving your game day after day. The benefits of daily exercise are many and if you’re looking to make mornings more effective, physical training is a good place to start. While there are numerous options, be mindful of your body type and fitness level before choosing an activity that helps you improve overall health.  

5) Meditation and yoga: 

Some of the most successful entrepreneurs are known for practising yoga. Yogic asanas provide healthy movement to the body while also increasing your physical and mental awareness.

Morning meditation, practising mindfulness and breathing exercises alongside some journaling can give your mind an increased amount of clarity in the morning. While meditating may feel strange in the beginning because of unfamiliarity, it has been shown to improve focus in numerous academic studies. 

6) Check-in on the important things:

Many professions today involve being online and in front of a screen. It seems to work well for many of them. However, with the growing distraction of social media and hyper-personalised ads, it’s important to prioritise the important tasks. These can be important emails, writing or even the presentation due shortly. The idea is to get to the important things at the very beginning. This will help you get the top-priority tasks earlier in the day so that the rest of your day is freed up to focus on other tasks and maybe even some socialisation.  

7) Eat breakfast with the people you love:

If you have a hectic schedule, it can seem hard to slow down to eat breakfast with your family. But breakfast with the people you love the most can really help you mentally. It’ll ensure you are connected to the ones most dear to you and will also help start the day on a positive note. If you stay alone or live with just your partner, ensure to indulge in a cosy breakfast on your bed on weekends. This is not only comfortable but helps you experience and enjoy the first meal of your day without any external disturbances.
So start your day on a positive note, and ensure you are still getting the most important things done. Have a good one!